Why should you move to HTTPS?

Moving to HTTPS
Moving to HTTPS
Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2017


100’s of other sites have covered this, but what are our top 5 reasons?

  1. For the privacy of your site’s visitors.
    HTTPS encrypts the requests and responses between your site and it’s visitors, this protects them from a range of security issues such as man in the middle attacks which would allow people to spy on your site users.
  2. Gain trust from your users & improve conversions.
    Having HTTPS helps instil trust with your users that you care about their security. This can be especially true with EV certificates that show users the companies name.
  3. Seen the “Not Secure” warning in browsers lately?
    Pages with logins, password inputs, credit cards & similar now show as not secure in the latest versions of Google Chrome & Firefox! Others will be following soon too.
  4. SEO ranking gains from Google:
    Google is a big advocate for HTTPS and has announced they see it as a ranking factor.
  5. The need for speed.
    HTTP/2 is only available over HTTPS. Want to see this speed difference live? Check out: https://www.httpvshttps.com/

Looking to move soon? https://movingtohttps.com is a guide on how to do so and allows you to configure the plan to match your hosting and platform.

