Don’t blame your hosting for not having migrated to HTTPS

Moving to HTTPS
Moving to HTTPS
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2017


Quite often the only one standing in front of your site moving to HTTPS is yourself rather than your hosting service.
That’s not to say they may not pose a challenge for you, but you can win even in spite of their support.

First of all, have you asked?

If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Chances are these days they do already offer it, maybe even completely free with Let’s Encrypt.

But if they don’t, you can ask them to, nicely.
They may have an open support system or forum where you can add or check for support tickets asking them to add HTTPS/SSL & if there are already, you can join in and say you’d like this too.

The important thing here is to make sure they are aware of the need for encryption and help push them to move onward.

The other thing to consider is, their lack of support may not even fully hold you back.

Cloudflare for example offer free SSL and all you need do is move your nameservers/DNS to them. That might sound scarey but really it’s really easy to do from your domain management area (where you bought your site from).
Your site can stay where it is, but Cloudflare can sit in between it and your visitors, and serve traffic between visitors and themselves over HTTPS.

It might be Cloudflare isn’t a good fit for you, and if not you’ll find other CDN services that offer this if you search around for them.

One hiccup in this plan can be if you buy your domain through a hosted platform that also hosts your site. In this case, if you’ve asked and they don’t offer SSL, it’s best to continue that conversation with them to ask what they’d suggest and if using a CDN like Cloudflare is still support. They’ll likely be happy to help you, after all, you’re paying for them to.

Hosting providers definitely seem to get getting better at letting site owners know they offer HTTPS / SSL these days, especially in the wake of pushes from Google Chrome & Firefox. In time i’m sure we’ll see more pushes from providers to get us all to HTTPS with ease.

If you’re looking for a plan of how to migrate, the Moving to HTTPS guide can help you through this.

